Official announcement of 5 Building BPS Regency/City of East Java in Kediri - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Official announcement of 5 Building BPS Regency/City of East Java in Kediri

Official announcement of 5 Building BPS Regency/City of East Java in Kediri

April 5, 2015 | Other Activities

Located in front of the BPS Office of Kediri Regency Road Pamenang 42 Kediri, Head of BPS, Dr. Suryamin, MSc. and his wife, the inauguration of five new office building of BPS in East Java province on Saturday, April 4, 2015. The office building is inaugurated BPS BPS office building Kediri district, Pasuruan, Kediri, Kota Probolinggo and Mojokerto. At the event, RI, accompanied by Head of BPS BPS Head of East Java Province M. Syairi Hasbullah, MA. also briefed the 38 head of regency / municipality BPS East Java on Reforms in the BPS Office of Kediri.

BPS head of East Java Province in his speech congratulated the five new BPS Office today inaugurated by the Head of BPS RI DR. Suryamin, MSc. which took time and more concerned with present here because in fact today he is also an invitation in Bangkok Thailand. M. Syairi said that at present there is a great revolution in the world in the form of Statistical Data revolution as developed countries are growing rapidly, such as China, the United States and European countries are well aware that they can all go forward like this is because of the accuracy of the information and statistical data the good one.

In his speech, the Regent of Kediri dr. Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno that the Vice Regent Kediri Drs. Masykuri, MM. also congratulated the opening of the fifth office building BPS Regency / City in East Java, especially new BPS Building Kediri. At the end of the speech Masykuri expressed gratitude for the support of good data from BPS Kediri regency which has helped provide good and accurate data for the Kediri district government. Do not forget we are very proud and thank you for the group BPS BPS RI and East Java had bought Batik Typical Kediri regency as souvenirs of Kediri. Add Masykuri

BPS head of RI. Dr. Suryamin, MSc. in his speech said that the prototype of the BPS office building that was built about the same in Indonesia. This is intended to make it easier for people who use the statistics to know that the shape of the building has a function to manage and provide statistical data. Thus there will be more people who know, exploit and use statistical data from the BPS's office. Besides the current BPS also developed a "One Stop Service" through the BPS's official website, making it easier for people who use statistical data. To all levels in East Java BPS He hoped to be able to further increase the use and utilization of statistical data provided by BPS BPS because statistical data that is not used and exploited it will be a dead document and the sheets were of no use.
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