During the month of Ramadan, Integrated Statistics Services in BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency Road Pamenang No. 42 open every weekday from 08:30 till 14:30 WIB.
Complaint service contact Si Dilan +6281553233444 (wa/sms) 24 hours.
Best Working Unit 2016 - KPPN Kediri
December 19, 2016 | Other Activities
In the end of2016,a feat in itselfandquite proudtoBPSKediri,becausein the "Socializationof Financial StatementsMinistryInstitute" heldKPPNworking areaKediri,BPSKediriawardedtwocategoriesas wellas a working unitbestonPreparation of Financial Statementsand Progress ReportTreasurerFY2016.Of course this isquite encouragingachievementwhichKediribeat125BPSwork unitwhich was underthe auspices ofthe Treasury Officeworking areaKediri.