Regional Population Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) 2020 Population Census of Kediri Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Regional Population Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) 2020 Population Census of Kediri Regency

Regional Population Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) 2020 Population Census of Kediri Regency

February 17, 2020 | BPS Activities

In order to ensure that the 2020 Population Census (SP2020) runs well and smoothly the BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency held a 2020 Regional Census Meeting (Rakorda) in the Kilisuci Room, Grand Surya Hotel Kediri, Monday (02/17/2020).

In its report, Head of the BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency, Lilik Wibawati, conveyed that for the implementation of the 2020 Population Census, it will be carried out in two stages, namely an online population census starting from February 15 - March 31, 2020, and an interview population census on July 1 - July 31, 2020.

The Regional Population Census Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) 2020 was opened by the Regent of Kediri, dr. Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno, Forkopimda elements, vertical agencies and OPD Leaders, Heads of Divisions and Sub-District Heads, and other relevant agencies.

Regent of Kediri, dr. Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno explained, this population census is an activity every 10 years in recording population data in Indonesia. He invited all parties to help him succeed, and together realize the Indonesian Population Data.

The presentation on the 2020 Population Census was delivered by the Head of the BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency, Lilik Wibawati. For the online population census the community can fill in directly from February 15 to March 31, 2020, by accessing the website As for the public who did not have an online census, officers will be visited later in July 2020. The event will be followed by filling in data directly at by all attendees and guided by BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency staff.

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