Flashback to the March 2024 Susenas-Seruti Enumeration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Flashback to the March 2024 Susenas-Seruti Enumeration

Flashback to the March 2024 Susenas-Seruti Enumeration

March 9, 2024 | BPS Activities

Susenas or National Socio-Economic Survey is a routine survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency to obtain national strategic data. Susenas and Seruti have been implemented since February 19 and end today, Saturday, March 9 2024.

Susenas data collection is a survey conducted by taking a sample of 104 Census Blocks in Kediri Regency, with 10 respondents for each Census Block. This data collection begins with the stage of area exploration and permission from the Village Head/Lurah and the local RT Head, then followed by the implementation of updating and field enumeration. Susenas data will later become the basis for calculating 3 of the 11 macro development targets, namely poverty rate, Gini ratio and human development index (HDI).

We would like to thank the respondents who have received the officers' arrival well, of course our appreciation goes to the Susenas officers who have struggled to collect data for the sake of a more advanced Indonesia.
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