During the month of Ramadan, Integrated Statistics Services in BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency Road Pamenang No. 42 open every weekday from 08:30 till 14:30 WIB.
Complaint service contact Si Dilan +6281553233444 (wa/sms) 24 hours.
Kunjungan Kerja Direktur Statistik Ketahanan Sosial
December 16, 2024 | Other Activities
On Monday (16/12) BPS Kediri Regency had the opportunity to receive a golden opportunity, namely a working visit from the Director of Social Resilience at the Central Statistics Agency. This visit was in the context of exploring the implementation of beautiful villages in the region, including submitting plans for implementing Beautiful Villages in 2025.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kediri (Statistics of Kediri Regency)Jl. Pamenang No. 42 Kediri