During the month of Ramadan, Integrated Statistics Services in BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency Road Pamenang No. 42 open every weekday from 08:30 till 14:30 WIB.
Complaint service contact Si Dilan +6281553233444 (wa/sms) 24 hours.
Public Complaints Service
January 18, 2016 | Other Activities
BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency received reports / complaints from the community regarding SOP violations of Kediri Regency officers at numbers 0815-532-33444 (whatsapp/sms 24 Hours). This is with the intention that in all the implementation of the Census / Survey activities in Kediri Regency in accordance with the SOP and can produce accurate, current and reliable data.
Jika #SahabatData memiliki pertanyaan seputar data BPS, silakan disampaikan melalui chat Whatsapp ini, operator kami siap membantu. Layanan kami buka setiap hari kerja, Senin s/d Jumat pukul 08.00-15.30 WIB.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kediri (Statistics of Kediri Regency)Jl. Pamenang No. 42 Kediri