Public Complaints SMS SE2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Public Complaints SMS SE2016

Public Complaints SMS SE2016

May 1, 2016 | Other Activities

Secretariat Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) Statistics of Kediri Regency receive reports/ complaints from the public about violations SOP SE2016 officer at 62-815-532-33444 by typing sms: se2016 report/ complaint.
It is with a view to the implementation of the Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) in Kediri Regency able to produce data accurate, current and reliable.
SE2016 attendant characteristics: use attributes Identification, Hats, Vests and Bags SE2016 and with warrant. To prospective respondent / society we appeal do not hesitate to inquire if found SE2016 officers who do not wear those attributes.
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