During the month of Ramadan, Integrated Statistics Services in BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency Road Pamenang No. 42 open every weekday from 08:30 till 14:30 WIB.
Complaint service contact Si Dilan +6281553233444 (wa/sms) 24 hours.
Data Collection Socialization of UMK and UMB SE2016-Continued and Release Result of SE2016
July 12, 2017 | BPS Activities
Located at Kilisuci Hall, Grand Surya Hotel Kediri, socialization was delivered to business actors, business associations, local government and also the media. The event was packed with a panel discussion with resource persons Ibu Lilik Wibawati (Head of BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency) and Mr. Slamet Wibowo (Head of Kediri Financial Services Authority). Head of BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency, Ibu Lilik Wibawati started his presentation of the material by conveying the purpose of socialization delivered earlier with the intention that far day business actors, business associations and communities know early on and can disseminate the information so as to understand the purpose and objectives carried out data collection Advanced Economic Census (UMK and UMB), so that the data generated in accordance with the expectations and objectives of the Economic Census itself. At the end of the presentation, the support of all parties from business actors, business associations, local government and the community is expected in order to succeed data collection SE2016 - UMK and UMB in Kediri Regency. Mr. Slamet Wibowo, Head of the Financial Services Authority of Kediri delivered material on the development of banking performance and financial services industry institutions in the working area of Kediri Financial Services Authority Office (Madiun Municipality & Regency, Kediri Municipality & Regency, Blitar C Municipality & Regency, Tulungagung Regency, Trenggalek Regency, Ponorogo Regency, Pacitan Regency, Ngawi Regency, Nganjuk Regency and Magetan Regency).