Announcement Test Write and Interview Result Officer Candidate SE2016 Kediri - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Announcement Test Write and Interview Result Officer Candidate SE2016 Kediri

Announcement Test Write and Interview Result Officer Candidate SE2016 Kediri

February 19, 2016 | Other Activities

Based on the Minutes of the Selection Committee Recruitment Officer Candidate of Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) and Decree of the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics Kediri attachment Decree No: 012/3506 / SK / II / 2016, which is passed as an Officer Candidate SE2016 is:

The decision of the Selection Committee Recruitment Officer Candidate Characteristically SE2016 absolute and can not be disturbed contested.

  1. SE2016 officer candidates who passed the written test and interview are required to sign a labor contract before training officer candidates SE2016.
  2. Contract signing was held on the 2nd week of March 2016. The certainty of the day, date, and place further informed.
  3. At the time of signing the employment contract, SE2016 Officer Candidates are required to bring the stamp Rp. 6000, - as much as 2 pieces.
  4. If at the time of signing the employment contract, which is passed as an Officer Candidate SE2016 is not present, it will be replaced by the participants who occupy the highest rank below the participants who pass.
  5. SE2016 officer candidates who have passed, is expected to actively monitor further information either through the website or through Koseka each district.
  6. The division of duties and served as Field Interviewers (PCL) or as a Field Supervisor (PML) will be determined later by BPS Kediri.
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