SE2016 Officer Training Schedule of Kediri Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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SE2016 Officer Training Schedule of Kediri Regency

SE2016 Officer Training Schedule of Kediri Regency

March 11, 2016 | Other Activities

  • SE2016 officer candidates who have signed an employment contract must follow the training of officers SE2016.
  • SE2016 officer candidate training Kediri will be held in two hotels (Hotel INSUMO and Adi Surya): PCL = March 18, 2016 - 18 April 2016  ;  PML = March 18, 2016 - 26 April 2016.
  • Check in trainees begin at 12.00 (the first day of each wave)
  • Trainees are expected to be present 30 minutes before the opening starts.
  • At the opening, participants are expected to wear batik, and when training is free tidy clothes and shoes.
  • Training schedule : PCL  ; PML
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