Open Recruitment SE2016 Officer Candidate in Kediri Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Open Recruitment SE2016 Officer Candidate in Kediri Regency

Open Recruitment SE2016 Officer Candidate in Kediri Regency

January 11, 2016 | BPS Activities

In the implementation of the Economic Census 2016 in Kediri Regency, Statistics of Kediri Regency opens "Open Recruitment" to become officers of the Economic Census 2016 will be held simultaneously throughout Indonesia in May 2016.
The number of officers that we need as many as 1838 officers scattered throughout the districts and villages in Kediri Regency. Selection includes an interview and a written test and opens January 14 until January 22, 2016. However, if prior to January 22, 2016, the quota has been met, enrollment in the cap.

SE2016 Officer Candidate Requirements as follows:
  1. Kediri District residents, preferably familiar with the area that will be borne out their duties properly.
  2. At least high school education or equivalent.
  3. Preferably maximum age of 58 years
  4. Being able to write well and clearly, in accordance with the standards of writing to the scanner.
  5. Integrity, discipline and commitment to his duties as an officer of SE2016.
  6. Ability to communicate and coordinate well.
  7. If PNS / private employee must attach permission / recommendations from the leaders.
  8. Fill out the registration form SE2016 officer candidates
  9. Preferably experienced following the census and survey BPS
  10. Having a active phone number (HP).
  11. Willing to sign an employment contract as SE2016 Officer and SE2016 follow all stages of the activities specified BPS
  12. Candidates willing to attend training officer SE2016 before carrying out tasks in the field.

For those who are interested can come directly to the office of Kediri Regency BPS and / or through the District Coordinator of Statistics (KSK) in each - each subdistricts with the following requirements:
  1. Officers Candidate Economic Census form Kediri district that has been filled
  2. An application letter addressed to the Head of Statistics of Kediri Regency (Handwritting)
  3. Photocopy of valid ID card 1 sheet
  4. Photocopy of diploma last 1 sheet
  5. 4 x 6 color photograph 2 sheets
  6. Photocopy of a personal TIN (if any)

Implementation Schedule following a written test and interview.

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