Focus Group Discussion - Kediri Regency in Figures 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Focus Group Discussion - Kediri Regency in Figures 2018

Focus Group Discussion - Kediri Regency in Figures 2018

July 30, 2018 | BPS Activities

BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency held a Focus Group Discussion on the publication of Kediri Regency publication data in 2018 figures at the Grand Surya Kediri Hotel, Monday (30/7). The event was attended by 60 invitations consisting of 37 Regional Government Offices of Kediri Regency and 23 Vertical Offices / Agencies.
Present as resource persons in this Focus Group Discussion included SEKDA Pemkab Kediri (H. Supoyo) and Head of BPS Kabupaten Kediri (Lilik Wibawati).
It is expected that through this Focus Group Discussion the process of collecting and finalizing sectoral data (from the Regional Government of Kediri Regency and Vertical Office / Agency) can be more valid, accurate, consistent and up to date. So that the publication of Kediri Regency in Figures 2018 can be released according to a predetermined schedule and the published data is even more qualified.

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