The Declaration of the Establishment of an Integrity Zone - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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The Declaration of the Establishment of an Integrity Zone

The Declaration of the Establishment of an Integrity Zone

December 15, 2020 | Other Activities

On December 15, 2020, BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency carried out the Declaration of the Development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in the area BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency. The Charter of the Declaration of the Development of the Integrity Zone was signed by the Head of BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency (Mrs. Firda) and 6 witnesses namely,
1. Kediri Regional Government: Mr. Dede Sujana (Regional Secretary)
2. Kediri Resort Police: Mr. Lukman Cahyono (Chief)
3. District Prosecutor's Office of Kediri: Mr. Sri Kuncoro (Head)
4. KPPN Kediri: Mr. Putut Sad Herutomo (Head)
5. Department of Population and Civil Registry of Kediri Regency: Mr. Wirawan (Head)
6. STIKES by Husada Kediri: Mrs. Ita Eko Suparni (Chairman)
The Zone of Integrity (ZI) is a designation or predicate given to ministries, institutions and local governments whose leaders and staff have the intention (commitment) to realize WBK and WBBM through efforts to prevent corruption, reform the bureaucracy and improve the quality of public services. Ministries, institutions, and local governments that have declared ZI, have proposed one of their work units to become a Corruption Free Area. Free Area from Corruption (WBK) is a predicate given to a work unit that fulfills most of the change management, governance arrangements, structuring HR management systems, strengthening supervision, and strengthening performance accountability. Meanwhile, Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM) is a predicate given to a work unit that fulfills most of the change management, management arrangements, structuring HR management systems, strengthening supervision, strengthening performance accountability, and strengthening the quality of public services. It is hoped that through the development of this ZI, work units that have been awarded the WBK / WBBM predicate can become pilot projects and benchmarking for other work units, so that all work units are given the freedom to work properly in accordance with statutory provisions. In addition, the work unit with the WBK / WBBM predicate is the outcome of efforts to prevent corruption which are carried out concretely within the scope of the Integrity Zone. (
Hopefully with the new mandate given to the BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency, we can realize the WBK and WBBM well, and we expect the support of all parties and the community in Kediri Regency.
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