Thursday (20/06) The launch of the Beautiful Village of Kediri Regency in 2024 was carried out by BPS Kediri Regency attended by PLH Regional Secretary of Kediri Regency, Mr. Joko Suwono, S.sos, M.A.P, Head of DPMPD Kediri Regency, Head of BPS Kediri Regency, Head of 3 Districts, To Village 3 Villages, and invited guests from the beautiful village team.
The launch of the Beautiful Village was welcomed by PLH Regional Secretary of Kediri Regency, in his speech it was stated that - The Kediri Regency Government strongly supports the Beautiful Village Program with the hope that all villages in Kediri Regency will be able to support the development process in Kediri Regency through presenting correct and accurate data. It was also stated that the importance of OPD synergy will produce results, good results are needed with BPS support to guarantee data quality and data quality, as well as good cooperation between OPDs for the success of One Data for Kediri Regency and Cantik Village.
The launch event continued with the signing of the Joint Commitment to Beautiful Villages by 3 villages selected as representatives of beautiful villages in Kediri Regency, namely Gadungan Village, Puncu District; Doko Village, Ngasem District; and Purwodadi Village, Ringinrejo District.
The event closed with a material presentation and a question and answer session moderated by Tri Cahya Widodo, S.ST, M.Sc. The presentation of the material was delivered by 2 speakers, namely Agus Kunarto Yuwono, SE (BPS Kediri Regency with the theme Beautiful Village Program 2024 Kediri Regency and Nadlirin, SH (Diskominfo Kediri Regency) with the theme PESONA in One Data for Kediri Regency.