2020 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Kediri Regency by Industry - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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2020 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Kediri Regency by Industry

2020 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Kediri Regency by IndustryDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 11, 2021
File Size : 1.01 MB


The economic structure of Kediri Regency based on the results of the GRDP of Business Fields in 2020 is still dominated by the agricultural, forestry and fisheries business fields, which reached 23.56 percent (this figure increased from 22.86 percent in 2019). The next sequence in the Manufacturing Industry business field was 22.62 percent (up from 22.42 percent in 2019), followed by the Wholesale and Retail Trade, Car and Motorcycle Repair business fields of 18.96 percent (down from 20.25 percent in year 2019).
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