2020 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Kediri Regency according to Expenditure - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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2020 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Kediri Regency according to Expenditure

2020 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Kediri Regency according to ExpenditureDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 11, 2021
File Size : 0.84 MB


  • The economy of Kediri Regency in 2020 is measured by GRDP at the current price reaching 40,626.77 billion rupiah. Meanwhile, the GRDP at constant prices was 28,490.95 billion rupiah.
  • The largest contribution to the formation of GRDP in Kediri Regency in 2020 is dominated by the Household Consumption component, reaching 74.18 percent (this figure has increased from 73.11 percent in 2019). Furthermore, the Gross Fixed Capital Formation component was 32.69 percent (down from 33.59 percent in 2019), followed by the Government Consumption component of 7.99 percent (up from 7.92 percent in 2019).
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