Signing of the One Indonesia Data Joint Commitment - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Signing of the One Indonesia Data Joint Commitment

Signing of the One Indonesia Data Joint Commitment

February 3, 2021 | Other Activities

On Wednesday 3 February 2021, at the BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency office and the Kediri Regency Communication and Information Agency office, a Joint Commitment Signing was carried out by the Head of BPS-Statistics of Kediri Regency (Ir. Firda) with the Head of the Kediri Regency Communication and Information Office (Krisna Setiawan, S.AP , M.Si) as an implementation in realizing One Indonesian Data.
These activities are carried out simultaneously throughout Jawa Timur between the BPS-Statistics of Jawa Timur Province, the Jawa Timur Province Communication and Information Service, the Jawa Timur Provincial Government OPDs, the Jawa Timur BPS-Statistics Regency / City and the Regency / City Communication and Information Services throughout Jawa Timur.
The event was also attended by the Governor of Jawa Timur (Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Si) virtually, who also gave directions and remarks to all participants.
One Indonesian Data is the mandate of Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 and followed up by the Governor of Jawa Timur No. 81 of 2020.
This joint commitment is the first step towards realizing One Data for Indonesia, One Data for Jawa Timur, One Data for Kediri Regency.

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