Schedule Contract Signing SE2016 Officer of Kediri Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kediri Regency

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Schedule Contract Signing SE2016 Officer of Kediri Regency

Schedule Contract Signing SE2016 Officer of Kediri Regency

March 10, 2016 | Other Activities

  1. SE2016 officer candidates who passed the written test and interview are required to sign a labor contract before training officer candidates SE2016.
  2. Signing of the agreement implemented according to the attached schedule. Certainty place please contact Koseka the respective districts.
  3. At the time of signing the employment contract, SE2016 Officer Candidates are required to bring the stamp Rp. 6000, - as much as 2 pieces.
  4. If at the time of signing the employment contract, which is passed as an Officer Candidate SE2016 is not present, it will be replaced by the participants who occupy the highest rank below the participants who pass.

Schedule Contract Signing
[010] Mojo
16 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[020] Semen
16 March 2016
11.00 - 12.00
[030] Ngadiluwih
15 March 2016
11.00 - 12.00
[040] Kras
15 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[050] Ringinrejo
15 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[060] Kandat
15 March 2016
11.00 -12.00
[070] Wates
16 March 2016
11.00 - 13.00
[080] Ngancar
16 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[090] Plosoklaten
14 March 2016
11.00 - 12.00
[100] Gurah
14 March 2016
12.00 - 13.00
[110] Puncu
14 March 2016
09.00 - 10.0009.00 - 10.00
[120] Kepung
14 March 2016
10.00 - 11.00
[130] Kandangan
16 March 2016
11.00 - 13.00
[140] Pare
16 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00

16 March 2016
13.00 - 15.0013.00 - 15.00
[141] Badas
15 March 2016
13.00 - 15.0013.00 - 15.00
[150] Kunjang
15 March 2016
11.00 - 12.00
[160] Plemahan
15 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[170] Purwoasri
15 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[180] Papar
15 March 2016
11.00 - 13.00
[190] Pagu
16 March 2016
11.00 - 13.00
[191] Kayenkidul
16 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[200] Gampengrejo
15 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
[201] Ngasem
15 March 2016
11.00 - 13.00
[210] Banyakan
16 March 2016
11.00 - 12.00
[220] Grogol
16 March 2016
13.00 - 15.0013.00 - 15.00
[230] Tarokan
16 March 2016
09.00 - 11.0009.00 - 11.00
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